Monsterwolf - WTF

Ladies and gentlemen, here is a track which sounds like it's from the early 90's but it's actually from 2013. We love it to party that way. So if you like it, keep listening. If you don't like it, just don't listen. And be warned.

If you want to get more updates related to Monsterwolf, you can now visit his Twitter account:

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Electro WOW ► Electronic Music News: Monsterwolf - WTF

Monday, February 18, 2013

Monsterwolf - WTF

Ladies and gentlemen, here is a track which sounds like it's from the early 90's but it's actually from 2013. We love it to party that way. So if you like it, keep listening. If you don't like it, just don't listen. And be warned.

If you want to get more updates related to Monsterwolf, you can now visit his Twitter account:

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