How High Can You Hear? Test Your Hearing Now!

Typical human hearing is quoted as being from 20-20,000Hz but age and exposure to loud sound can significantly lower your ears' ability to hear high frequencies. So how good is your hearing? This frequency sweep from Online Tone Generator will help you find out. Leave in the comments the frequency at which your hearing cuts out!


Electro WOW ► Electronic Music News: How High Can You Hear? Test Your Hearing Now!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

How High Can You Hear? Test Your Hearing Now!

Typical human hearing is quoted as being from 20-20,000Hz but age and exposure to loud sound can significantly lower your ears' ability to hear high frequencies. So how good is your hearing? This frequency sweep from Online Tone Generator will help you find out. Leave in the comments the frequency at which your hearing cuts out!
